The Journey - Your path into your true Self


Brandon Bays Vali sisemine rahu, jõud ja vabadus

Have you felt that...?

✔  You want to get healthier on emotional and physical levels

✔  Get rid of stress, fears or anxiety

✔  Heal relationships with yourself and your loved ones

✔  You are looking for the purpose and full potential of your life

✔  Need clarity for the next steps in your life

✔  You want to strengthen the connection with your deeper nature

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Tervenda keha teadvuse tasandil, tee ruumi eluenergiale

What is The Journey

The Journey is an extraordinary and powerful method for solving all kinds of problems we face in life – physical, mental and emotional.

​It is a journey into yourself – a guided insight that helps you tidy up the shadows of your inner world. By establishing a direct connection to the hidden programs of the subconscious, we reach the root causes of the problems and heal them at the level of the body consciousness to make room for the new, vital life energy.

Brandon Bays - Pioneer of The Journey Method

US born, Brandon Bays is the world’s leading authority on emotional healing and life transformation.

She is recognized as one of the most dynamic, inspirational and innovative teachers in the field of personal growth and mind-body healing. She is internationally known for her radically transformative work in the fields of cellular healing, emotional wellbeing and spiritual awakening, and is the pioneer of The Journey Method®.

It was in the face of adversity that Brandon discovered her true calling. Diagnosed with a large tumor, she  …

Brandon Bays, Rännak

What people say about The Journey?

“The Journey in London was arguably my most powerful training experience ever. I recommend this training to absolutely anyone who wants to experience something completely extraordinary and life changing. One thing is certain: no one comes back from this event as the same person - the lightness and joy were not only internal, but strangely enough, relationships with the outside world and loved ones also changed. ”
Alar Ojastu
Alar Ojastu
"Brandon Bay is one of the most life-changing teachers I have had the privilege of meeting. This method could be learned by anyone who wants to be really himself and does not even know exactly what is holding him back. Simple, eye-opening and deeply effective! ”
Marjam Vaher
Marjam Vaher
"The Journey Method is a very practical, fairly easy-to-acquire and extremely powerful tool that, when used independently, helps to re-establish the subconscious - step by step, but inevitably. But it is not a "magic wand" that instantly heals. It's a practice of commitment and concentration that teaches you to make peace with yourself and the world, in order to lead your life in fulfilment."
Aivar Haller
Aivar Haller
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